Wylie East HS
WEHS Band Registration Fees
WEHS Colorguard Registration Fees
WEHS Culinary Arts
WEHS Dance Company National HS Dance Festival
WEHS DECA State Registration
WEHS Diversity Club Membership Dues
WEHS HOSA Spring Leadership Conference Dues
WEHS Library Book
WEHS Lost/Damaged Textbook
WEHS National Art Honor Society Membership Fee
WEHS PSAT, SAT and ACT Boot Camps with Mastery Prep
WEHS Raider Speech & Debate Dues
WEHS SkillsUSA Dues and Fees
WEHS SkillsUSA Washington Leadership Training Institute
WEHS STAFF Scholarship
WEHS Student Council Dues
WEHS TAFE Flower Grams
WEHS THE RAID Advertising
Wylie East High School Art Fees - Gilpin
Wylie East High School Art Fees - Higa
Wylie East High School Art Fees - Thompson
Wylie East High School Art Fees - Tigert
Wylie East Student Athletic Pass